Chrysler Repair: Car surges while sitting in drive: 96 Sebring Coupe, chrysler sebring, sebring coupe

Hi I have another question.  I went to autozone today and they printed out what was wrong with it because the check engine light.  But i did a code readout myself and it flashed 13 times and the map sensor circuit seems to be the problem.  I have no idea about this.  The codes that showed up at autozone were different then the one i read.  The codes that showed up for autozone were BBECM fault-no CCD message from TCM and BBGear R incorrect ratio.  BTW im driving a 1996 chrysler sebring 2.5 L coupe.

Hi Josh,
Try your key again. Only this time, watch for a longer pause, or may two or three pauses, between the flashing. Count the number of flashes between pauses. There needs to be either 2 or 4 groups of flashes to make sense of the readout, because you combine the flash counts in pairs in the order of appearance to form 2-digit numbers, which are then the fault codes. I don't know what those Autozone codes mean... what is BB? In any canse those sound like transmission issues not engine issues.