Chrysler Repair: 2000 2.5L V-6 Antifreeze Leak, antifreeze leak, heater tubes

I am losing antifreeze and can see it steaming from the rear of the engine, behind the transmission bell housing (driver's side of the car. Would this be coming from a freeze plug? Do you reccommend any brand of stop leak that might work on this? Thanks for your time and good work.

Hi Frank,
I would suggest that you examine more closely the area in question, as I believe there are some heater tubes that branch off the rear water manifold at about that point. It could be a loose fitting and a leaking gasket resulting therefrom rather than a freeze plug. Only when I was satisfied that the leak could not be corrected mechanically would I try stop leak. If I use stop leak, my choice has been Bar's brand of products. Thanks for the compliment. Please let me know if you find something interesting as the source of the leak.
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