Chrysler Repair: serpetine belt, 3.0L V-6, tensioner pulley, question thanks

QUESTION: I put a new belt on my car and felt I had it fitted correctly on the pulleys but when I start the engine up it moves about 1/8" to the side and will not track properly. I believe I had it fitted in the groves to start with. Any suggestions as to what would make a belt move improperly to one side? Thanks, Joe

There are two possible reasons:
One of the devices driven by the belt has a pulley positioned that is out of the plane of rotation of the other pulleys and needs to be repositioned. Use a straight edge to visually check for that possibility.
The other is that the tensioner pulley arm is worn on its shaft so that the tensioner pulley itself is out of the plane of rotation of the other devices. That would suggest replacing the tensioner arm.
So check those possibilities.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the information. Can you give me an idea of what is involved in changing out the tensioner arm? Thanks, Joe

HI Joe,
Earlier this month you asked me a question about a problem with you vehicle. Now I need to ask a favor of you. I am competing for the honor of being the "Expert of the Month" for December. You can help me by going the the 'thank/rate' tab below and look for the question that asks if you think I should be so-honored. If you would select the 'yes' option I would be most appreciative. Please do this before 6pm CST tomorrow, New Year's Eve when the competition ends. I wish that your Chrysler vehicle is running well and gives you good service in the New Year!

Hi Joe,
The tensioner assembly appears to be held by a nut that mates to a stud on the tensioner that is inserted into the bracket that is attached to the engine which supports the alternator. If you feel behind that bracket (underneath the alternator) you should find that nut, which when removed will allow the tensioner assembly to come off for replacement. The nut is tightened to 40 foot-poubds. I assume that you have observed the tensioner to be out of alignment with the plane of the other pulleys driven by the serpentine and thus needs to be replaced.