Chrysler Repair: 1996 Chrysler NY- water leak, heater hoses, haynes manual

My 96 NY (3.5 L, V6) is constantly leaking water (and thus ovheating). I replaced the water pump last spring in the hope that this was the problem. It didn't fix it, but it needed it anyway. I just replaced a blown freeze/ core/ expansion plug from the front driver's side of the block. The others all appear to be damage free and in place. This seems to have fixed the leak I knew about (happy!) but now there is a new leak (SAD!!)- leaking in relatively high quantities- from what appears to be the rear of the block, near where the transmission is attached and to the rear of the oil pan. I cannot seem to visualize the source of the leak. The car is still on jack stands, as I also just did the tie-rods!!- so I am not sure if the leak appears to be in the rear due to the incline. It does not appear to be the heater core as there is no water in the cab and the leak is further forward than the heater core piping. I have axcess to ALLDATA, which has not been helpfull at all for this, and a Haynes manual, also not helpfull. I am not sure what else to investigate or how to fix it. I am not familiar enough with the cooling system to do much more on my own without a direction to go in. Anything you know or have heard of would be greatly appreciated!!

Hi Keri,
Earlier, last month, you asked me a question about a problem with you vehicle. Now I need to ask a favor of you. I am competing for the honor of being the "Expert of the Month" for December. You can help me by going the the 'thank/rate' tab below and look for the question that asks if you think I should be so-honored. If you would select the 'yes' option I would be most appreciative. Please do this before 6pm CST tomorrow, New Year's Eve when the competition ends. I wish that your Chrysler vehicle is running well and gives you good service in the New Year!

Hi Keri,
The two heater hoses are attached to a couple of pipes at the rear of the engine: one from the intake manifold's outlet tube (which has a branch that alsp goes to the overflow bottle), and one that connects to a pipe goes along the left side of block back to the front where it connects to the upcoming bottom radiator hose. But look at the ends of the heater hoses at the rear of the engine, and the hose to the overflow bottle, to see if those clamps are loose or the hoses cracked. That is the best I can describe the drawing in my '94 manual for the LH cars.
PS Use the thank/rate tab to get back to me without having to wait foe me to be 'available' to take a question. There is a space for comment, to which I will reply. While there, please also consider giving me a nomination for 'expert of the month'. Thanks

PPS Hi Keri,
If you read this before 6 PM CST on Sunday and would take a moment to give me a nomination I would be most appreciative. Just find the "nomination?" item in the 'thank/rate' tab and change the 'no' to a 'yes'.