Chrysler Repair: Intrepid wont crank over, only clicks., solenoid switch, jumper cables


I have a 2000 dodge intrepid 3.2 liter. I was recently sitting in the car listening to the radio with the engine off, cleaning the interior. When I tried to start the car when done i heard a series of clicks and the car would not turn over. I tried several times and the car will not turn over all though there seems to be plenty of power.

I wonder if there is anything i can do to fix the car myself. I am pretty mecanically inept. Should i get it towed into the shop or is it something more simple?

Hi Paul,
It is likely your battery has weakened to the point where it is not capable of cranking over the starter motor (using the radio while cleaning the car may have been the cause). You could either use jumper cables from another vehicle (observing plus to plus and minus to minus) or buy a plug-in battery charger for around $30 and observing the same polarity as above; let it charge overnight which should allow it to recover. This assumes you have a wall outlet within reach of the vehicle by extension cords.
That soft clicking is the starter solenoid switch on the starter motor which disengages/engages repetitively as the battery voltages drop/recovers with each attempt to turn the armature of the motor to no avail.  Depending upon the age of the battery you might also consider whether it needs to be replaced (compare its age to the warranty life). If you have a means of transporting such a heavy device to the store to get one, then that would be another alternative; or even do so if you are successful in the jump or charge approach. I lust replaced the battery on my '89 Chrysler on Thursday as it had refused to re-charge. Costco is a good place to go if you are a member and it is nearby.
Now there is one trick: the battery is hidden in front of the well of the right front wheel, behind a removable splash shield. But there are I believe two "remove" battery posts that hold wires coming from the hidden battery located, on the top of the right side strut tower (the structural element in the rear right corner or the engine compartment). Those are prominently labeled + and - and that is where you would attach a jumper cable pair or the battery charger. You might not want to get into removing the battery yourself for need to remove the tire and jack up the car to get it.