Chrysler Repair: AC Blend door, negative battery cable, shaft position

I have a 98 Dodge Intrepid non-ATC that is returning a code 46 (A/C control blend door shorted to battery. Car is not producing hot air to the cabin. Can I assume that this involves replacing the actuator? What is the best way to do this? The only manual that I have is a Haynes and info is minimual. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

The blend-air (temperature) door actuator is an electric motor which mechanically positions the temperature door. A feedback strip in the actuator allows the computer control to know the exact position of the temperature door at all times. The blend-air door actuator is not serviceable and must be replaced if found to be defective.

The temperature door actuator is located at the bottom of the heater housing at the center tunnel Mode Door Actuator Location

Open hood and disconnect the negative battery cable remote terminal from the remote battery post Negative Battery Cable Remote Terminal
Remove left and right underpanel silencer/ducts.
Remove two screws from actuator which are accessible from the right side of center stack.
Remove one screw from actuator on left side.
Pull actuator straight down from shaft and disconnect electrical connection. Upon removal, note the shaft position of the actuator, because the shaft on this motor is keyed. When installing new actuator, its shaft must be positioned in the same location.
For installation, reverse the above procedures.