Chrysler Repair: 98 Dodge Intrepid, core leak, dodge intrepid

QUESTION: Hi Kevin~ well last yr i had to have a radiator put in... ($400 he charged me) when the machanic gave it back, (this was winter of 06) I had no heat when i would stop at a light. I noticed that when i started to drive again, it got warm. So I took it back, told him someone said there must be air in the line? anyway, when he called to come pick it up, he told me i owed him just over $400 for him putting in a new thermostat and redoing the fluids!! WELL!!!! I still dont have heat like I had before all this. It takes a long time to blow even warm air on a cold day, and i still lose some of the warmth when I come to a stop. I hate to go spending more money for another thermostat to be put in, but I would have to drive from atlantic city nj to phila pa to get some half way decent heat! how can I tell if he used the wrong one? I know I probably will read you write, it has to be looked at again but I thought I would ask your opinion. Oh! needless to say, I never went or will I go to him again!!

thanks for any suggestions!!

best regards, Francine

ANSWER: does your glass fog up some times?  so u smell something sweet when u start the car up and turn on the blower motor?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi~ no... i dont smell anything... no fog up either other that the norm~ I had killer heat before the replacement of the radiator... in winter i could warm up my car for 20-30 minutes before leaving in the am for work and still have to drive 15 minutes before its even luke warm..... what size thermostat or volts, or whatever you refer to, is supposed to be put in the car??   maybe i can ssk someone to check when i have some maintence done in fall...

could a wrong thermo cause this?

thanks again~ Frani

the thermostat would just open at a lower temp or higher temp  thats about it. I was asking about the fog and such because if u have a hear core leak u wont get much heat until u bleed the system then u get good heat for a few days then back to being cold. I know Mine did it  and I own a 99 concord. I might still have an air bubble trapped in the system