Chrysler Repair: climate control air flow, shaft position, window vent

I have a 98 sebring convertible V6  and I can only get heat or ac to come out
the bottom vent and the small side window vent.  The control swith works but
it doesn't change the direction for air flow.  The blower works fine also.  It
really is a problem in the winter when it takes 20 min. to get the front window
to semi defrost. Is there an easy or inexpensive way to fix this.  Someone told
me to just get a ac/ heater control unit from a junk yard and see if that would
work, I'v also been told its an accuator and the dash needs to come off
,heater core replaced and accuator for about $875.00.  Could there be a
simplier answer.Kevin,  Thanks for any response (HELP)

take off the mode door actuator and move it with the control head  see if it even moves  if not replace it and see if that one moves  then away u go =)  r and r the dash geee  some people.I live in Atlanta I would be happy to help u out.

The mode door actuator is located on the upper left side of the A/C- Heater housing Mode Door Motor Location

Disconnect battery negative cable.
Remove left underpanel silencer/duct.
Remove electrical connection on actuator Mode Motor Connector
Remove actuator retaining screws. Then pull actuator straight down. Upon removal, note the shaft position of the actuator, because the shaft on this motor is keyed. When installing new actuator, its shaft must be positioned in the same location.