Chrysler Repair: Special tools for 1995 3.5L cam alignment, crank pulley, alignment tools

I have a '95 3.5L that broke the timing belt.  The water pump and tensioner locked up and the belt melted down.  I discovered that to time the cams I need the special tools that bolt to the back of the head and position the cams at TDC.  I have searched in vain to locate these tools to borrow for this job.  I don't really want to purchase these to never use them again.  Could you give me some specs on these tools?  I have machining experience and can build these tools with the correct specs.  If you don't have the specs, can you direct me to someone who would?  

Thank you for your time and your help.


I have done several  timing  belts on these and have never used the alignment tools.They are really more used for when you take the cam spocket off.The  sprocket will move about 5 degrees on the cam.Its also possible to replace the belt without taking the crank pulley off.There are 2 screws that hold the lower cover that you can to through the pulley.Mind you I'm saying you can do it ,its not easy but it can be done.You will need a special puller for the crank pulley.