Chrysler Repair: 2000 dodge neon, dodge neon, zero resistance

what the problem ended up being with that 2000 dodge neon on 12/20/05 -- i have that exact problem the # 10 fuse keeps blowing -- i was told ineeded a new starter bench tested it it works fine ---- help!

Hi Aimee
I still don't have the wiring diagrams for the 2000 Neon, but I would suggest using a volt-ohmmeter as I described in that 12/20/05 response and see if you can find the item that has a near zero resistance and is thus causing the fuse to blow.
I hope to get the wiring diagrams in the near future. Is the fused labeled as to what it powers? Or does it say in the owners manual? And what about the electrical system doesn't work when the fuse blows?