Chrysler Repair: Timing Belt, ford windstar van, 1998 ford windstar

My son purchased a 1998 Ford Windstar Van with approximately 119,000 miles. No record of maintenance was available. He wants to take his family on a trip (800 miles round trip) and I am concerned about the timing belt. I remember I made the same trip back in 1989 and my bonneville jumped time (I think the term was) and needed replacing while on the road. I hate to see this vehicle break down on him and his family. Is there anyway to tell if it's been replaced.
Thanks so much

According to the professional site I use for tear down, diagnostics and repair information the Windstar came equipped with two engines.  The 3.0L and the 3.8L.  According to this well known site they both come with timing chains and not timing belts.

I've seen a few chains make noise, one or two wear out teeth but very, very few actually fail.  I do not suspect there to be a timing related problem on this trip.

The things I would check in to would be tires, brakes, fluid leaks, and fluid conditions.  Also, don't wait until the week of the trip to take it to the repair/maintenance shop.  Force your son to go at least 2-3 weeks prior to the trip and get stuff done.  This will give your son the chance to check for post service fluid leaks, driveability problems as a result of the repairs as well as make sure that everything CONTINUES to run as well now as it did prior to service.

In addition to spotting potential problems you'll also give the repair shop time to correct any problems that may have come up since the time of service.  Yes, the shop should be held accountable for poor craftsmanship but they still need time to make things right.