Chrysler Repair: 2004 Sebring Trip Computer, wire colors, logical function

My 2004 Sebring Trip Computer‘s thermometer registers way too
hot for the outside temporary.  How can I fix this without replacing
the entire trip computer?

Hi Art,
I don't have any manuals on that system that are contemporary with 2004. On the early '90's models the ambient temp sensor was mounted outside the cabin, at the front of the car, midline, on the back surface of the cross-member of the chassis that supports the radiator/condenser. Its wires went directly to the display unit. You might begin by checking at the parts department to see how much a new temp sensor costs and at the same time look at the parts computer display that shows exactly where the sensor is located in your year and model. Then decide if the sensor is inexpensive enough that you want to buy it and replace it yourself to see if that gives you the correct temperature display. Additonally you could, once you find the sensor, unplug it and then check the continuity of the two wires from the sensor connector to the other ends at connector of the display console to assure yourself that the wires are patent. Just look for the color coding of the wires which will be identical at both ends. If the wires are good, and a new sensor doesn't correct the problem, then it has to be the trip computer itself. But at least you can find that out yourself without having to pay the labor charges.
Let me know if and how you solve it so I can pass along the info to others. The only other wrinkle might be that the logical function for the unit is now located in the body computer and that the data is generated there and sent digitally to the display, in which the wire colors would not be identical at both ends. I rather doubt that it was integrated in that way but you never know without the wiring diagrams. In any case, try a new sensor if it isn't too expensive.