Chrysler Repair: 1993 Chrysler 5th Ave. electronics problem, 5th ave electronics, skilled person

Well my 1993 3.0 liter 5th Avenue is having some major problems with its electronics. The automatic locks will go up and down at random, the open Door sensor is on constantly on when the locks act up. This is more likely to happen when it is cold, but it gets annoying by the clicking of the locks and the beeping of the door sensor.

I have taken the car to the mechanic 3 different times in hopes of having it fixed, but nothing will work on it.

The trunk will also open by itself at times, but this only happens once in a great while.

Also every door except the driver door has problems opening and shutting. The handles don't work well on the outside and it usually takes some time to get them open from the outside. Also when I go to shut them, the latch is usually stuck up or down. Either way the door will not close until I pry it and slam the door hard enough to where it is forced to latch.

Any help with these problems would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Hi Jarrod,
The door locks opening and closing is part of the same problem you are having with the latches. They need to be lubricated and adjusted so that they open easily, close firmly and thus push in the door ajar warning switches at each door frame. When any door is either ajar or too loosely latched, the switch will tell the body controller that the door is not secured which then sets off the locking and unlocking of the automatic door locks. Maybe the most skilled person to adjust these would be found at a body shop.