Chrysler Repair: ATF level, chrysler brand, fluid characteristics

Hi Roland,

In my case, I can get the same indication on the marked side or on the non-marked side by turn around the dip stick .

Followup To
Question -
I noticed that each side of the ATF level dipstick showed different oil height(with engine idling and warm). One is about half inch lower than the other. Which one is correct for indicating the ATF level?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Answer -
Hi Ning,
I would look at the fluid level mark on the side of the dip stick that is etched with the level indication marks. Ignore the level shown on the the unmarked side of the stick. I assume the the difference is due to an angular path of the stick compared to the surface of the fluid. But so long as the stick is inserted in the manner such that its bend seems to be appropriate to slide down the tube, then I'd just go with the result of that positioning and read the etched side.
If you have the 4 speed electronic control transaxle it is very important to use the correct fluid and even better to use the Chrysler brand available at the dealership. These trans are very sensitive to fluid characteristics.

Hi Ning,
I would expect that, but then the question is which way should it be inserted. I would go with the direction where the etched side is up. And maybe for good measure be sure that the level is such that it is within the proper level no matter if it is up or down. If the discrepency is too great I would set the level by inserting it with the etched side facing up.