Chrysler Repair: what cause the gas pump noosle to to cut off when putting gas in the gas tank, chrysler lebaron, gasket seal

I can not get a fast flo from the gas pump without the noosle clicking off after a few seconds.

Hi again Al,
I had another idea for you. If the filler pipe for your tank has a very sharp bend at the opening where you put the gas in, then often the fuel hits the pipe wall and will exert back pressure when you try to fill the tank, thus cutting off the nozzle. I have 2 cars like that, a '67 BMW and a '75 VW van, where the filler tube immediately drops straight down from the opening. I find that if I insert the nozzle sideways (holding the handle parallel to the side of the vehicle so the nozzle enters the opening sideways) that I can get the nose of it further down in the opening and also then the gas doesn't bang up against the wall of the filler pipe but can shoot down the pipe without striking the wall and then the back pressure doesn't occur and the nozzle doesn't shut off. I still have to use a fairly slow fill rate but it is the only way to do it. You may have to experiment with exactly what angle to use to get the nozzle in the tube so that the flow is not banging up against the wall. My Chrysler LeBaron doesn't have this problem because the pipe is only mildly bent at the opening. What car do you have?

Hi Al,
I believe there is a back pressure sensor in the nozzle that reacts to the backing up of gas in the filler tube of the tank. I notice too that if I don't have the nozzle really inserted all the way in the filler tube so as to compress the rubber fume gasket seal then there is a sensor that notices that and turns off the pump.
So I would not suspect my car is the issue, but rather how I am using the pump nozzle. If the filler tube were crimped or partially collapsed then it would only accept a slow flow of gas or otherwise the gas would back up and trip the back flow sensor on the nozzle. So that is the only reason I can see for your problem that is related to the car itself. You could take a look at the filler tube and see if it is damaged.