Chrysler Repair: timing belt, timing belt tensioner, chrysler new yorker

I change out my water pump on my 1989 Chrysler New Yorker v-6 3.0.  I moved the timing belt now I must go back and set the timing. Tell what I need  to do to fix this problem.

Hi Alai,
I assume that you have identified the location of the timing marks for the crankshaft and the two camshafts. The procedure then is:
1.Install timing belt on crankshaft sprocket first and while keeping belt tight on tension side install belt on front (radiator side) camshaft sprocket.
2. Then install on the water pump pulley and on the rear camshaft sprocket and finally on the timing belt tensioner.
3. Apply rotating force to the front camshaft sprocket in opposite direction to tension the belt tension side and check that all timing marks are lined up.
4.Install camshaft sprocket flange.
5. Loosen tensioner bolt and allow spring to tension timing belt.
6.Turn crankshaft two full turns smoothly, in clockwise direction only.
7.Again line up the timing marks on the sprockets and tighter the timing belt Tensioner locking bolt to 25 N-M (250 in-lbs).
8. Reassemble belt cover, engine bracket, insulator, crankshaft pulleys, accessories and drive belts in reverse order.
That is the direct quotation from the shop manual.
Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.