Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1930 Model A ford Station Wagon

My station wagon that I've owned for about a year is now 'leaning to the left'. I've read about 'fat guy lean" and I am a big guy but I don't think I've driven it enough to cause this! I have replaced the shocks (which actually shouldn't effect this) and fixed the front spring which was missing the spring clips and insured that the front spring bolt is in the hole. I have not taken the rear spring out and am not sure how to check that the rear spring bolt is in the hole. I removed the 'inspection port' but spring still covered. got any ideas what might be causing the lean. I did just notice that I can 'push' the car level by simply grabbing the roof and pushing it up. Over time is leans again.

Loosen the big u bolts on the rr spring and jack, or prop up the left side.  Horse it up and try to get something to shift. Then tighten things up. My town sedan leaned, and I got mad one day, loosened things up and pounded an oak wedge between the spring and cross member and tightened it up. It worked. Just info. Big job taking out the rr spring. You could flip it rt to lt. Let me know how you fix it. Jack