Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1950 Desoto Suburban repair., 1950 Desoto Wake up

Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1950 Desoto Suburban repair., 1950 Desoto Wake up
1950 desoto  
Looking to get my orignal 1950 desoto roadworthy and keep in the family.
Its orignial including motor and trans.
Just looking for mechanic help in southern california.
I am not sure where to start.
Vehicle not running.
Thanks so much for your help and assistance.

Hello John,

Wonderful, wonderful car!

To wake your Desoto up from it's long slumber, you need to look at all the major systems of the car, engine first. You look at the engine to see if it turns over as many times it gets "stuck" by major/minor rust from sitting stationary so for long. While it's not necessarily the kiss of death if it doesn't turn over, there are specific procedures to do this process. If successful, move on to the other systems. If not successful, you're looking at an engine rebuild before proceeding further.

Getting an old car ready safely for the road again can be a lengthy and expensive process,..or not depending upon the overall condition of the car when it was stored, how it was stored and how long it was stored. To do this, you need help from other knowledgeable hobbyists. The best way to find them is through car clubs dedicated to your make. There is a Walter P. Chrysler club dedicated to all Chrysler products and there is a Desoto Owners Club. There should be a chapter of one or both in your area. They can provide a wealth of advice, knowledge, or even direct help to get your car back on the road.

Thanks for preserving a piece of motoring and family history!

PS: Suburbans in particular are particularly rare due to how they were used when new. It's worth fixing up!
