Classic/Antique Car Repair: steering 1953 chevy belair, 1953 chevy belair, 53 chevy belair

Is it possible to convert manual steering to power steering on a 1953 chevy belair. If so where to get parts and or instructions.If not easy project is there a place to get or have rebuilt manual box.Thank you for your time  

You can pick up a manual box at or or fi you have never adjusted your current steering box, an adjustment maybe all that is needed.

Hi Gordon:
It is possible, but will require some custom work. First you have to fix your motor with a fan belt that has the ability to drive a power steering unit. Then you need to convert your steering box with one that closely match the steering radius of the '53 Chevy Belair. Finally, you will need to find a custom steering unit that works with your new steering box.

In other words, it would be easier to find someone that has successfully converted your model car to power steering, so you will know the results of how it steers. Short of that, take it to a custom suspension expect for suggestion and possible modifications.