Classic/Antique Car Repair: Model A Spark Plug, napa store, ford dealer

I just purchased a '31 model A that runs but the plugs fouled. The car came with champion C-16C plugs, are these the correct plug. What plug do you recommend for a good working engine? What do you recommend that is a bit hotter that may not foul as easily.

You should be able to go about 500 miles between plug cleanings.  Not that far if you do a lot of idling and slow driving.  easy to clean and no big deal.  I use the low cost motorcraft plugs you can get from snyders, bratton's or a ford dealer.  The champion W16Y is good, and I think you can get them at a napa store.  There are a lot of arguments about how hot a plug to use, but I really don't think it matters much.  Get the book we all use, by Les Andrews.  Mechanics handbook for the model A.  About $35 from MARC or a parts supplier.  Get the red one.  
Take a good look at your carb, and maybe rebuild it to make sure you are not running rich.  If all is set right, you should be able to run good with the mixture closed, after warm-up.  Don't run with the mixture handle unscrewed.  
Get it running right, and you won't foul the plugs, but you will have to keep them cleaned.
Good luck and have fun with that car.  Join a local A club for real fun.