Classic/Antique Car Repair: first generation camaro tilt turn signal switch, turn signal switch, tilt column

Where can I purchase a turn signal switch for a first generation camaro with tilt column, also what is the difference in tilt column & non tilt column turn signal switch,I've both switches & can't see any difference,thanks,John?

I know nothing about you switch. Model A's had nothing like that!!!!
At Chrysler, we used the GM tilt columns, and they had the GM switch on them. I bet GM used the same switch on both tilt and non-tilt.  Why wouldn't they??
Try ebay, they might have it.  Also, find and join a chevy car club and let them help you with your car.  They would be happy to help you.
Look on the net for a chevy or camaro site and ask them where they get parts.  I assure you, the part is out there.  
Sorry I can't be of much help to you.
good luck.