Classic/Antique Car Repair: Noisy 67 Caddy, good luck jack, loose fan

HI:  I have a 67 Cadillac Calais (429 cu). The car has been sitting and statrted only occasionally for the last several years.  Ever since I got the car, when it is first started from cold, there is a high-pitched squealing noise (similar to loose fan or PS belt noise). The noise gets a bit louder, then goes away if I rev. the motor up, and usually goes away entirely once the motor is warm. I have checked all the belts, and they seem to be proper tightness.  I have tried to isolate the noise with a stethescope, but can't seem to narrow it down.  Could itbe either water pump or alterntor noise that goes away when the motor gets warm?  Do you hae any ohter suggestions?  Thanks.

Well, based on my experience with the Model A, I have only one thought about your modern car.  I would look hard at the alternator.  Somehow, get some oil on the brgs. It could be the water pump brg.  try to get some oil there.  Loosen the belt so the alternator does not turn, then start it up and see if the noise is still there.  Easy to do and it would tell you if it is the alt.  A lot easier than the pump.  Sometimes a leak in the intake can cause a loud noise.  With your scope, try to nose around the carb gasket and places like that in the intake circuit.  To rule out the belts, get a can of anti belt squeal and squirt it on the pulleys.  Stand back so you do get hit by the flying spray.  
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Good luck