Classic/Antique Car Repair: 67 camaro will not turn over, 67 camaro, soleniod

Howdy I have a 67 rs ss. I am having a serious problem with her. She will not start without a boost from a running engine. I have changed the soleniod,had the starts bushings cleaned,new battery,today when I finally got her started I took her for a spin around the block and came back home. As I oput her into reverse she stalled and I had to reboost her. I can't turn her off cause if I do she won't restart HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am afraid I might have to send her back but I really don't want to!!

It sounds like the battery is not being charged by the alternator/generator. If you have a voltmeter check the voltage at the battery with the engine running. If you do not have a voltmeter you will need to find someone that does and check the voltage. With the engine running at a fast idle the voltage should be at least 13.2 volts. Check and let me know.