Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1952 chevrolet pick up truck, good luck jack, light switch

couldnt get light switch 's knob out before install on the dashboard. my friend took it out and couldnt remember how darn it. Hope you can help us
many thanks

I don't know anything about you truck.  I am a Model A guy, but I will try.  I have a friend who might know and I will check with him.  Most of those knovs just pull off, but yours may be different.  I will give you a second answer after I hear from him.  Good luck.

Here is what my buddy remembers about that switch.  jack

Push light switch knob in.
Hold small button on the side of the switch in and pull knob out while holding button in.
Assemble switch into dash.  
Then insert knob back in to switch.

That the way I remember it.
 Hope this helps.  jack