Classic/Antique Car Repair: spark plug wiring diagram, spark plug wire, automobile literature

Where can you find a spark plug wiring diagram for a 1963 Impala 283 V8 motor?

This information is in the shop manual for your car. If you don't have one, you should get one if you are going to be maintaining this car.  They run on eBay frequently, or you can buy one from any of the automobile literature dealers.

Your engine's firing order is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2, and the cylinders are numbered 1-3-5-7 front to rear on the driver's side, and 2-4-6-8 on the passenger side, front to rear.

If you take the distributor cap off and crank the engine, you will see which direction the rotor turns.  

If you stop the engine at TDC on the timing mark, the rotor will either be pointing at #1 or #6 spark plug wire position.  

If it is pointed toward the front of the engine, and if the distributor hasn't been out of the engine, it is pointed at #1.  You can plug in the #1 spark plug wire to the the hole in the distributor cap that is aligned with the rotor.  

Now, install the other wires in the firing order, around the cap in the direction of rotation determined above.  This should make the car run.  

If it does not, it is possible that the distributor has been out of the engine and has not been re-installed correctly.  If this is what the situation is, post a follow up question to me and I'll give you a step by step procedure for getting things sorted out.
