Classic/Antique Car Repair: classic car diagnostic system, old cars, old tools

I was cleaning out the shop and I found two Old Auto Force EFI 8400 diagnostic brief cases with most attachments. out shop does not work on cars that old but it would be a shame to throw out perfectly good Tools. can you suggest a person or place that would buy them?

If you can post a follow up question to me with a list of the cars these would be used on, I can probably give you a list of clubs or enthusiasts who would love to have them.   I am not familar with that particular test set - so I'd need to know what the application is.  I use an old Auto-Scan 4030 test set myself - and it is very useful on old cars - so I think there would be some interest in these if I knew what cars they would be useful on.

Thanks for not throwing them away!  Too many times useful old tools are just discarded when the cars aren't popular anymore.
