Classic/Antique Car Repair: carb problem, chevy guy, speed tranny

Hello,I know it says your mostly a chevy guy and chevy guys around here frown on ford neither but i do happen to have a 64 1/2 ford mustang with a 170ci engine 3 speed tranny.If you can help me out with this question or stear me in the right direction.Here it is.I purchessed a new rebuilt 1 barrel carb for this car.Nothing was wrong with the original..Just real dirty looking.I can,t get it adjusted.It starts fine but when i drive it .in all gears it hesitates.I just need to know how to adjust it.Im no mechacnic.But i do know a bit about cars.Can you help out with this .Thanks John

HI  well as long as all of your vacume lines are all hooked up right , you will have 2 screws one is the  idle  screw. the second is the adj. screw.  with the engine hot/warm  take the adj. screw and slowly turn it in till it will stall or almost stall. than back out apx. 1 (1) and (1/2) turn no more than that , so when the car is ideling turn in the adj, screw all the way in till it stalls or almost stalls than just back out apx. one and one and a half turns. no more than that. and again be shure all of the vacume lines are all hooked up right, and check if the p.c.v. valve if you have one is clean or replace it.and you should turn the idle up so it is around 650  or so so it will idle good and smooth and clean. also how ar your spark plugs. if they are old replace them and set them at apx. .035.  ok  you should check the fuel filter and the dist. cap. rotor, points, condensor,and plug wires if it has not been  done in  a long time.and air filter, also how is the oil and filter. do not leo this go by, if it goes to long it will cause you some serious damage to the motor and take years of life off of it.  ok