Classic/Antique Car Repair: 51 Lincoln Sport Sedan, electric fuel pump, flat head v8

I'm not going by the fuel gauge which is broken- it actually runs
out of  gas- I have a Walboro pump at 3.5 -4 psi- but again it
was doing this before the elec pump- it's a mystery

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it was doing the same thing before I put in the electric pump

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I'm only getting about 1/2 mile to the gallon and I do not see
any leaks- I cannot figure where the gas is going? I put in an
electric fuel pump and rebuilt the carb- it's a flat head V8 with
56000 miles on it.

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 JOE; 1/2  a galn. ?  it has to be going some place , is it leaking
? or going into the oil pan , I would think if that much gas was
going thru it the plugs would foul and it would stall , etc. is the
tank gauge broken.  or is the carb pushing all that fuel thru. it.  
oh. you have a elect. pump,  a new  one ? did you put on a gas/
fuel regulator  ? if  not  that  could  be  why  .....>>>>>>

you should get one asap.  ( ) should have one if
you cant find one localy. tell them I sent you.  ok >>>

Answer -
 Joe ;
OK  I would still put one on as they are not that much  $ this
way you will know it is not the fuel psi. did you look for leaks .
and check the oil. it has to be going some place  or is the gauge
bad ?

 I would start at the tank and check all lines and look for leaks or  cracks, etc. than follow the line to the pump and check all the same. and than  check the  float in the carb and the excyl. pump  in the carb ,etc. if need be.  you should get better milage than that .