Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1965 chevy c10 pickup turn signal socket, 1965 chevy c10, 65 chevy

Hello Rodger,I need to know where I can locate the sockets for a 65 chevy c10 pickup,I have catalogs that sell complete wiring harness's but my problem is I have power thru the wires but not at the socket's.I think its a ground problem stemming from the turn signal socket any case I can't afford to buy a harness.also the bulbs seem to be a bit loose when installed.any help You can offer will be greatly appreciated Thanks,Ron

Ronald ,
 HI - I would look in the (jc whitney . com) catalog , or if you can find a old car in the junk yard and  take them from that or if you will be replacing them why not use a new socket and larger bulb. , I think that a car / truck parts place should sell sockets , I would think it should not be too hard to get some that will fit. also try a serch on the web. I can remember getting just a replacment socket , and if the ground is bad , it can cause you big trouble with the lights.