Classic/Antique Car Repair: engine mods, j c whitney, feasible idea

i am interested in modding my chevelles 307 which gets 200hp out of factory and that was 30 years and 116000 miles ago..

what kind of stuff do i need to  buy or do to improve the power of this engine. i am interested in applying moderate power gains, nothing above 60-80hp but i am interested in just what i could get out of it.

a particular idea i had was to make a huge air intake that has two hoses (if possible) and runs directly to the radiator and/or to the hood scoops (which i don't have but still...)

is that a feasible idea? is there such a thing as too much air? what other kinds of things should i try?

       Hi well as far as the 307 and with all of those miles on it , there is not much that you can do to it ,there are a lot of add ons that you could put on it but I would save the money and look at a new motor or a rebuilt turn key engine. you can try the company called J.C.Whitney .com they have all types of items that you can put on it to get better performance. ok