Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1965 Ford Galexie 500 neutral start switch, galexie, best bet

My dad had a 1941 Packard and a 1965 Galexie 500 which, now that us kids have grown up, are his children. Recently the neutral start switch on the Galexie has broken and the only way that you can start the car is to reach down along the top of the steering column and manually move the switch. Unfortunately, you can also start the car in gear which dad found out the hard way. Now he is looking for a replacement left tail light lense. Anyway the real question is do you know of a company that may specialize in Ford/ Galexie replacement parts that may have a replacement switch?
Thanks for you help...  

The 1965 is an awkward year - it's too new for anyone to be making reproduction parts, as it isn't really a highly sought after collector car yet, but it's too old to be able to find new parts in stock somewhere.

Your best bet is to find one in a wrecking yard, and rob the parts you need off that.   I don't know where you live, so I can't recommend a particular yard.  Out here in LA there is a yard that specializes in old cars, called "Memory Lane", and I'd try them first if you are anywhere near.

You can contact them at 800-281-9273 - they'll pull the parts and ship them to you.

There is also "Desert Valley Auto Parts" in the Phoenix area.  You can contact them at 800-905-8024.

For Packard parts, I'm sure your Dad knows all the usual suspects in the business - starting with Kanter Brothers in New Jersey, but if not, post a follow up question and I can tell you how to contact a few of them.

Good luck.
