Classic/Antique Car Repair: about my grans wolseley, north berwick, correct spelling

hi my name is sarah and my gran has a classic wolseley which is grey.i dont no that much about it but it is very old.she is very attached to it and is passing it down to us so it can be restord.i was wondering what ur location was as we live in north berwick in scotland.we are looking for somebody to do it up,but if you do not live or work any where near hear then we would very much apreciate if you could name a placed in that location that would do this thank you from sarah

HI, I would love to drive to take a look at it as I have never heard of one but i live a bit from you , like in new york state u.s.a., I will try to help you if  i can , do not sell it keep it for now can you find me any photos and is that the correct spelling ?
roger jm Warrington

also if you type in the web (wolseley ) you will find some info that might help you.