Classic/Antique Car Repair: interior cleaning, vinyl upholstery, upholstery shop

My question is simple, how do I clean mildew that is on vinyl? I just purchased a 1965 Thunderbird that has been setting for about 3 years, and the interior needs a good going over. I'm hoping to save it if possible.  

Mildew is a problem, because the only thing that really eliminates it is bleach.  Of course you can't use bleach on vinyl, unless the vinyl is white, and you use a very dilute solution.

Even if your interior is white, I'd try something else before resorting to bleach.

Get some vinyl upholstery cleaner from your local autoparts place and see if you can get it to come off with that.

If you have mildew, you probably have moisture inside the car too.  You'll have to get rid of that completely.  If you have an enclosed garage that you can seal up pretty well, you could try renting a dehumidifier and just let it pump the water out of the garage for a week or so, leaving the car open.  Of course the garage is going to have to be just about air tight for this to work, and few are.   

The other method is to remove all the carpeting and anything else that is moist, like the padding and the interior covering in the trunk.  The only other way to dry the car out is to move to Arizona, I'm afraid!

Maybe an upholstery shop could recommend something - I don't know of anything other than what I said above.

Good Luck,
