Classic/Antique Car Repair: Distributor / Timing Question, point gap, nash metropolitan

Hello Mr Fitzcharles

I see you have extensive experience with some Britsh makes and thought you might be able to offer some advice.  My question is a general theory one, not related to any particular make or model, but the car in question is a 1957 Nash Metropolitan with an Austin 1500cc engine.

Anyway, I am putting a newly rebuilt distributor on my Nash.  I'm a novice do it yourself mechanic.  Can you tell me if I need to adjust the timing when the new distributor is installed?  

Also, I want to install a modern "high torque" starter in place of the original starter (which has gone bad).  However, the newer starter does not seem to be configured exactly as the old one.  The seller of the starter assures me it will fit and they have a good reputation as well.  Do you have any experience with these newer starters?

Many Thanks for any advice you may be able to provide on either of these issues.

Regards - Mason

Hi Mason,
The Austin 1500 engine in your Nash is about the same basic engine used in the early MGA. Yes, you should reset the timing even though the distributors are keyed so the shaft will only go in one way. The new dist may have a slightly different point gap and / or a different brand of contact points thus have a slightly different positioned contact runner which can make your timing a little off. So first check the point gap (.015) then recheck ignition timing to what ever your engine calls for. It probably will not be far off but even off a little will effect performance and runing with the timing a little off can cauuse engine damage.
Sorry, I have no experience with the new starters for the "A" engine.

I hope this helps,