Classic/Antique Car Repair: Body -- Hail dimple repair, metallic paint, plain colour

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Question -
The dimple in the body ,caused by the hail ,is the size of a 25 cent piece.

There are 30-50 of these dents.

What is the best procedure to correct this problem?

Answer -
Being British, I wouldn't know the size of a 25 cent piece...

but it seems a respray is the only suitable answer.

25 cent =1" 04 2.5cm  How does a respray correct a dent?

you said, "How does a respray correct a dent? "

errrrr.... Not ONE dent,

YOU said 30-50 of them...!

I asssume you have a roof on the car?

If you want to pay someone to remove the headlining and panel beat ALL those that are within reach first and then fill the remainder, you will still need to prime/fill all those areas that you cannot get access to.

Therefore, Most will need filling and the panels that are damaged/repaired will need respraying.

If it is metallic paint, the colour matchimg is more difficult than a plain colour, (or color in US).

Now tell me...
Does this make any sense to you at all?