Classic/Antique Car Repair: Ford 302 rough idle, chuff chuff, windshield wipers

Thanks for the advice, I will try a compression check. I do hear a chuff chuff miss in the exhaust. I have tried three different carbs, and all run the same. I have disconnected all vacuum lines except the pvc. Still no change. Versailles got that crazy hydraulic braking system,no vacuum booster. Yes a shop with an engine analyzer wilk be my next stop.  

I didn't realize the Versaille had the hydroboost brake system - I wonder why they did that?!   That is on some big trucks, (and it's a pain in the butt!) but I'd never seen it on a car.   Lincoln also had the hydraulic windshield wipers in the 60s - another weird idea!  Those were so strong you could brake your arm if you got caught in them!

Thanks for the kind words, and good luck with it.  They are pretty cars!
