Classic/Antique Car Repair: removing rust, google search, rust stop

I was welding floor pans in my 69 camaro convert and started the dashboard on fire.  The entire dashboard is gone.  It seems the chemical in the extinguisher has caused rust in the inside if the dash and all over the interior of the car.  I would like to know the best way to remove this rust, it is in every crack.  Do you have any feedback on the rust treatments that are supposed to be able to go over surface rust.  thanks rj

What a shame, I'm so sorry this happened to you.

The rust stop treatments do work - all you have to do is remove the loose stuff and then apply either Corroless or POR-15, they both work well and seem to last forever.   If you do a Google search, you can find the people who sell these products.   All the other ones tested failed sooner or later, so don't waste your money on them.

As for what is on your metal now, find out what chemical was in the fire extinguisher, and then go on google to see if you can find a way to remove the residue.  It may be rust as you say, but it may also be some other residue, and if it is, there may be some removal method that will work better than phosphoric acid (which you would use to remove rust).    

Good Luck - and happy junkyard hunting for the new dashboard!
