Dodge Repair: 2008 Dodge Nitro 3.7 starting issue

I have 2008 Nitro 3.7 V6. Turn ignition on wont turn over or starter engage , battery good, all dash lites,radio etc. come on makes humming noise for about 7 seconds than stops. Thanks in advance for any advce.


Hi Rick,
Is the original battery still in the vehicle, which if so would be 7 years old? The dash lites, radio, etc. use very small amounts of current so don't tell you about whether the battery can put out the current/voltage necessary to actuate the starter motor.
So I would suggest that you try a jump start from another vehicle or try charging the battery for a few hours and then see if the behavior improves.
Also, open the hood and have a helper try the starter while you locate the source of the humming sound. When you turn the key to start, there is going to be a soft click from the starter motor relay in the main power box, and then there should be a louder click from the solenoid switch in the starter motor itself, and then the starter motor should engage IF the battery is sufficiently charged to accomplish that. Where is the humming sound coming from?
I have the manual for the Nitro and can trouble-shoot this if it an issue of the wiring rather than the battery but you first have to be sure your battery is good.