Dodge Repair: 98 grand caravan se 2 issues

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide on the following 2 problems with a caravan I just bought at an impound auction (which Is THE problem::-). Has 165k mi. showing and the engine Is the 3.0Lv 6 that sat for sometime. It Is in neutral and the shift arm moves freely  when I try to get Into paerk which is problem (2)below.

(1) when I turn the key, the car sounds like it will start i.e. turns over finebut it wont.fireup and run. The with the cap off distributor is not moving but the gear Is good; can see that the timing belt is not turning. Plenty of gas, new distriutor and.llenty.  dipstick does show clear oil-too have been recently.l.Excessiv oil.buildup on frontg of block. Have.not.checked.the.chip thaf.I have.heard  may be in these reference to one in my chiton other diagnostics performed.  I can get.a.3.0L v6 with 79k for.$600 if this is an issue that would cost more to repair. what do I do? cost.mord tham that

(2). Car is in neutral and shifting lever is freely.moving. assume arm is brokeand need to know how to repair that mechanism.

Hi Bud,
If the timing belt is not turning and the distributor rotor is also not turning then I believe the timing belt is broken and needs to be replaced.
The shift lever in the cabin is apparently not attached to the shift lever on the transmission probably because the shift cable is broken/detached somewhere along its length and needs to be replaced. Are these repairs covered in the Chilton?
Those would be the places to start.