Dodge Repair: 1994 Dodge Caravan: HVAC blower motor

HAVC Dash slide switch will start the blower fan, however within 15 or so seconds the fan will shut off.  You can then slide the switch to the off position then back on and it will run again for another 15 or so seconds.  What might be the cause?

Hi Jack,
It could either be fuse #26 if it has a crack in its wire which is opening when it heats up, or it could be the blower motor resistor block which has a series of resistors any one of which could behave similarly. If the blower stops operating on the lower speeds but it will operate on highest speed than that would say the resistor block is faulty. If it won't operate even on high then that points to fuse 26.
The resistor block is in the engine compartment, on the firewall at the top edge on the far right corner of the passenger side. It has a plug, and is held in place by a couple screws.
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