Dodge Repair: 2010 dodge avenger 2.4l world engine

My temp gauge only gets up to just past the quarter mark on these cooler days. The dealer told me everything looks good on the computer and that the engine temp showed 200F with a inferred thermometer. I have recently learned that there are two thermostats on this engine and I suspect that the secondary (203F) is stuck open.  I can't figure out how to drain the coolant, can't find a drain valve,or plug. Any information or site referrals would be helpful. thanks in advance.

Hi Vicrider,
I don't have a manual for that engine/cooling system, unfortunately. There is no drain plug on the radiator? That would be unusual. Usually, if the temp gauge is in the range of 1/4 to 3/4 scale it is considered to be acceptable. I wonder if you might not be wasting your time and energy trying to raise the reading on the gauge.
Sorry for the delay but I just found your question in the "pool" to which Kevin had referred it.