Dodge Repair: LH-body: code 1776,removing valve body/pack, horizontal arm, shift cable

QUESTION: Ok I have a code 1776(sol pak)I am in process of dropping pak. The shift cable is loose and shift lever is full clockwise(toward front of car. I have two quetions
Is it imperative to...

1) remove connector for range sensor. I am afraid I am going to break it or pull wires out.
2) Why does the shift lever have to be removed? does it come down with valve body?

Thank you for your help

ANSWER: Hi Royce,
According to the '04 manual you do have to disconnect the trs plug (light green); the solenoid connector can remain attached to the case. It appears to have a tab on the side which you release before pulling it off the socket. There are several more steps in the valve body removal that are needed to be done. After you have the shift lever positioned as you described it does say to remove the lever. Once you have the valve body down, you will see that the lever was attached to a 'manual shaft', and so it appears that part does indeed come down with the assembly, but not the lever proper which would get in the way. The 'lever' is the short horizontal arm to which the shift cable is attached. Let me know if you want the rest of the steps to removing the valve body, or the assembly. I can copy those from an '04 manual that I have on a CD and attach them to an email I would send directly to you. But I need to know your email address but don't use the @ symbol, instead use "at".
Please 'rate' my answer (see below).

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you.
I have the steps from a dodge inform but if you think yours may be better I would be greatful.

Any helpful hints on getting tools on to the shift lever?
Any hints on what may help loosent that connector. It is an 04 in Az and of course the plastic is dried and tight.

One more question on the connector. Is that connector one piece sliding on the body of the trans. I am on a garage floor(of course) and cant quite get my head up there to see the safest place to be trying to nudge(pry gently) on the conector to have it pop loose.

Thanks again for your help and will give you the best possible rating I can. Good luck on award

asinrolls at aol . com

Hi Royce,
I haven't personally done this job so I can't offer much. The lever I would imagine has a nut/bolt clamp. The plug looks like a typical one so there would be just a small
'strap' on one of the long sides that if lifted with the tip of a screwdriver should then release it. So take your time and don't force anything.
The 5 pages are in an email to you.
PS Thanks for the rating and nomination (see below).