Dodge Repair: A/C blower shuts off, dodge ram 1500, recirculation air

i have a '99 Dodge Ram 1500. When i first crank it and turn the a/c on it blows for 30 seconds or so then will blow less and less until theres nothing. the compressor clutch is still engaging and everything else seems to be working but, the blower just wont do anything. What do you think is wrong?

To be clear, Do you mean to say that the airflow from the vents decreases while the blower motor is still running at normal speed? If so then there is an obstruction between the blower motor and the evaporator coil. The obstruction could be a broken recirculation air door or actuator, excessive debris stuck in the fan wheel, excessive debris on the evaporator coil itself or, less likely due to short amount of time it take for the condition to occur, evaporator core ice build up. Please post a followup to clarify the condition.