Dodge Repair: Cam sensor on 2003 dodge durango with 4.7, camshaft position sensor, dodge durango

where is the cam sensor located on a 2003 dodge durango with a 4.7L in it?I have tried finding diagrams online but cant find anything if you have anything please let me know thank you very much Ryan

Dodge Repair: Cam sensor on 2003 dodge durango with 4.7, camshaft position sensor, dodge durango
The Camshaft Position Sensor (CMP) on the 4.7L V–8 engine is bolted to the front/top of the right cylinder head (CMP Location—4.7L Engine).

It is easier to remove/install sensor from under vehicle.

Raise and support vehicle.
Disconnect electrical connector at CMP sensor (CMP Location—4.7L Engine).
Remove sensor mounting bolt (CMP Location—4.7L Engine).
Carefully twist sensor from cylinder head.
Check condition of sensor o-ring.