Dodge Repair: gear selector removal, overdrive switch, pin holes

i have a 98 dodge ram. overdrive switch went out. purchased a gear selectot from salvage yard.
How do I remove mine. I have taken it sown to the selector.
seems to ahve a pin in it.  do i drive it out from the top or bottom and what do i use.

Support the steering column assembly as shown in Gear Shift Lever using a suitable size socket.
Using a drift of the appropriate size drive the roll pin out of the steering column and gear shift lever. Remove the gear shift lever from the steering column assembly.
Support the steering column using a suitable size socket.
Install the gear shift lever into the steering column assembly. Align the roll pin holes in the gear shift lever and the steering column assembly.
Carefully Install the roll pin into the steering column assembly and through the shift lever. If the roll pin binds check the alignment on the holes. Be sure roll pin is fully installed into the steering column assembly.