Dodge Repair: 1998 neon transaxle, chris answer, axle shaft

QUESTION: Kevin, I had a friend try to tow me after my ignition coil went. He hooked the tow rope around the transaxle, now its leaking significantly. He said the boot slipped and all i need to do is slide it back into position and replace the ring clamp. I've tried this and i don't think its the problem, it seems to be leaking from the end that goes into the transmition, is there anywhere you know of where i can find a pic online of  how this assembly looks? I just got it a few weeks ago so im not really familiar with it as of yet. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Chris

ANSWER: he damaged the tranny seal  the axle shaft will need to be removed and a new seal will need to be installed. The boot he is taking about is on the other end and has geese  not tranny fluid in it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: One follow up question is it possible for the axle to slide out where as it needs to be slid back in and thats why its leaking? i guess thats why i asked about the pic so i could see what the assembly looks like intact. thanks for the reply! if it is the seal is that something that is relatively easy to replace, ie. i could do it myself?

the axle would pop in and u will know it  it should almost be flush up to the tranny. plus if it was not in all the way it would leak out with out even having the engine on. U can look at the seal and see if it has a bend in it. AS for u doing it   depends on how handy u are  and if u have a seal puller to get the old on out with out damage to the tranny seal area.