Dodge Repair: 2002 Dodge Dakota HVAC blower problem, blower motor resistor, jumper wires

The heater/AC fan quit working on all speeds. All fuses are ok. When I put 12V to the motor leads it runs. I checked the 2 prong connector coming to the fan. One side lights a test light but the other side does not have continuity to ground. I pulled the resistor card and all of the legs on the card when plugged in have continuity to ground. I think it might be the fan switch but not sure. Also I ca0n.not see how to get the fan switch out.
Any help will be appreciated.

I cant vouch for what u just did  but u sound like u got some experience in stuff. This is what I would like u to do. Plug the blower motor back in go to the resistor block unplug it. Turn the key on so that we have 12 volts going to the blower motor on the Dark green wire use the test light to confirm that u do have 12 volts at the blower motor. Once that is done go to the disconnected blower motor resistor Attach the test light to a good ground then probe the dark blue and yellow wire. Your blower motor should come on while u hold that there. With me so far? NOw once hat part has been done same test light find a power source this might be hard to do  I have jumper wires with clips and such that i can plug into the cig lighter for power  but basically what u want is to turn the test light into a ground meter and not a power meter. Get a wire that u can safely attach to the battery go inside the cabin with it attach the test light to it then on other pins of the blower motor resistor bk/tn  Lb
Lg/yl and  Tn attach the test light to each and move the fan speed until u get that light to light up understand to what I am trying to do?  IF the blower motor works when u ground it with the test light motor and wires to teh resistor are good. If u have a ground when u move the fan speed to each of the other pins on the resistor connector  wires and ac head and that ground for it is good  so the only thing u have remaining is the resistor it self.