Dodge Repair: 1994 Dodge Intrepid wont start, neutral safety switch, car wont start

I have a 1994 Dodge intrepid. I got hit on the passenger side in the front bumper and my car wont start since then. It's got plenty of gas and the battery is fine. The started works good too but it wont start. I had a friend told me that there is some kind of cutoff fuel switch or something like that that is usually located in the trunks of the cars. We looked for it but couldnt find it. is there anywhere else where it might be? Also, could it maybe be another problem why the car wont start? i need help guys!

The part your friend is referring to is the Neutral Safety Switch. Sometimes, on some cars, such as the Intrepid, they need to be replaced instead of reset. 'm not positive where it is located, but it could be on the front side of the transmission. Try putting the car in Neutral and see if it will start.