Ford Repair: 94 ford escort gt, bosch spark plugs, pcv system

I have driven escorts for the past 15 years and this is my second gt. The last one I had went to almost 300k miles, so I'm kinda partial to it. This one has 120k on it and it seems to run fairly well. My girlfriend has an escort LX same year, I drove hers the other day and it seems to have alot more power than mine. When I bought the car I also thought it lacked power in the low end but I figured it was just me. So I figured I would do a tune up on it. Do you recommend any particular brands. I figured I would put plugs, wires, air filter, maybe a cap and rotor, and time it. Is there anything else you would suggest? I know it's not a race car just because it says gt. I would just like it to run as good as it can. Thanks

My preference is either OEM parts, or high quality aftermarket like Napa or Carquest. All parts houses have at least a couple of different lines of quality, stay away from the cheapest. And don't forget the fuel filter, Fords are notorious for clogging fuel filters quicker than other makes. Check the PCV system, have seen the hoses collapse on those. No Bosch spark plugs should ever be put in a Ford motor, no matter what you read on the internet.