Ford Repair: 1983 ford escort 1.6L with carb, catalytic convertor, ford escort

QUESTION: I have a 1983 ford escort 1.6L with Carb it has 70,000 original miles it is bucking when i accelerate and loses power going up hill you can push gas but doesn't go faster i have replaced the fuel pump and filter also replaced spark plugs and cut catalytic convertor off and it still bucks when try to accelerate and no power goin up hill just bogs down but it will crank and idle but has flutter in the exhaust i was told it could be the firing order messed up but also was told if it was this it would backfire and it doesn't do you think it could be the timing is off like sliped timing belt or something or do you have another thought on what it could be please help.

ANSWER: Dear Micheal, my first thought, would be you might have a transmission problem.  I actually owned this car for about two years.  Have a transmission guy take a look.  

Provided the transmission is in good working order.  The engine timing would be the issue.  The backfire would happen if the timing is really bad.  Additionally, check that the plug wiring is in the correct order. I don't have this info handy, but Auto Zone online repair manual can help.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The trans wouldn't have anything to do with it losing power going up hill would it and when the trans shifts it shifts smooth so leaning more towards the timing don't you think also do you know around what it would cost to git this fixed thanks for your help

Losing power going up the hill, means that transmission is not downshifting to provide the needed torque to go over the hill.  Hence, it feels as if you're losing power.  I would recommend that you have a transmission shop do free check-up to eliminate this issue.  As for the timing, I don't have a good suggestion as every region is different and prices vary greatly...  However, it should not cost as much as a complete tune-up job. Meaning, the mechanic should only charge for partial work.  It is about a 30min to 1hr job.  Hope this helps!

Sam Gorgey